Tag Archives: Writing

Book Recommendation: Deep Work

by Lindy

I recently heard an author interview with Cal Newport, discussing his book, “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” and was instantly intrigued.

I’m learning a lot about the research surrounding the value of ‘deep work’ versus shallow work, as well as the downfalls of modern technology, the internet, social media and constant distractions in the workplace. There are serious limitations in producing exceptional work when bombarded by interruptions, emails, instant messages, meetings, drive-by conversations and more. Distractions that limit productivity also lead to feelings of discontent.  It interrupts the flow you experience when you’re immersed in a project; and flow fosters contentedness.

I highly recommend Deep Work if you’re a writer, creative professional or knowledge worker. It is a good read for anyone who is struggling with distractions in attempts to be productive.

If you’re able to strategically minimize your distractions and interruptions at work, write in the comments what works best for you in staying productive.

Spotify Word Genre

by Lindy

Check out this random and interesting genre on Spotify called ‘Word‘. It is so intriguing..

Spotify Word

The Spotify Word playlists are eclectic and unique – poetry, speeches, stories, meditation, self help, foreign languages, vintage radio, children’s stories, presidential voices and more. They have specific writers featured in some playlists as well – Shakespeare, Bronte, Jane Austen, Noam Chomsky, Emily Dickinson…

The voice actors can be varied, dramatic and entertaining. It transports you to another place in time.




PSA From Weird Al: Word Crimes

by Lindy

This is the best song, video and message for the masses! Word crimes are the worst kind of crime; so insidious and heinous.

Weird Al Yankovic continues to entertain and educate. Love it!

By the way, “does my communiqué make my butt look big?” (a Kate-ism)

You’re welcome!

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